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Sunday, February 12, 2012

My granddaughter's first written out story!

Sir Ben and The Chinese Dragon
Not so long ago in a castle far far away there was a kingdom. But it wasent gust a kingndom it was a city! In that city there was a town. In that town there was a lane. In that lane there was some homes and in one was a king. The king had lotes of knightes but because of all the knightes Sir Ben was one of them, Ben only liked home. One day the king had something to say to Ben. This is what he said. He said, Sir Ben there is a dragon in town and it is a chinese one and I want you to make it go away. O-o-ok wispered Sir Ben. But did you say d-d-d-d-dragon? Yes I did said the king. Ok said Sir Ben. Sir Ben trotted very very quietly into the town and herd a lowd roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Ben was scared, petrified, and terrified, because he was all on his own! I don't like that dragon wispered Ben. He's scary. Then Ben saw what he was looking for. A big long long chinese dragon was coming towards him. Aaaaah! shouted Ben. Come back! Shouted the dragon. I want to talk to you! You are going to eat me shouted Sir Ben. o, I'm not fired the dragon. All rite I'll play my guitar said Sir Ben gloomely. So as I am going to say said the dragon nowhon likes me. I am to scar for them to even see. Poor dragon said Sir Ben. I bet they don't like you. Yes they relly don't like me said the dragon. When Sir Ben got home he didnd tell the king where the dragon really was but the king gave him a medal enyway. I like my medal said Ben but I like my friend the dragon best! The end.

by Valerie Jane Martin, 6 yrs. old

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Jim Elliot letter to Elisabeth Howard, 1948

"Somehow I felt that  'Renunciation' didn't fit my case this week.  Oh, I know that I am called on to hold you very loosely, but this rest of soul I've had about our relationship lately makes even the principle of renunciation a mocking.  I have renounced nothing- I own all- yet possess nothing.  In getting Christ God has left me strangely destitute but profoundly wealthy! Queer, isn't it?  Betty, my dear sister, stop struggling and believe!
The 'confidence' of Phil.1:6 assuages all doubt for me just now - He cannot fail us.  Oh, He may lead us oceans apart (and we can trust Him for that, too, can we not?) but are we so childish (I do not say child-like) as to think a God who would scheme a Jesus-plan would lead poor pilgrims into situations they could not bear?  Dost thou believe that God doth answer prayer, my heart?  Yea,  I  believe. Then will He not most assuredly answer that frequent cry of Thine- 'Lord, lead me'? I cannot explain what I feel, but I am as confident of God's leading as I am of His salvation.  May He not so often have to address us in rebuke,  [a Greek word]   Do I hear you saying , Betty, ' "It's all right for you to speak so, but I'm a woman and not so independent as you?'"
Surely Isa. 54 is not so quickly become invalid! I pray for you that you might indeed find 'joy and peace in believing' (Rom. 15:13) So what if He does make of me my Dad's ideal? [I think his Dad wanted him to be just like Paul]. Does that make God any less precious to you or any less able to do His perfect will in your life?"

Friday, February 3, 2012

“BE STILL and KNOW that I AM GOD.”
I. Stillnessmeans no activity, quietness, no questions, no doubts, or arguments, no “having to say” something!
a.      Saying Yes to whatever God has put in front of your mind—Psalm 26:2-3 (story of 20 min. last May)
b.      Saying to Him, “I will trust you.” I will wait upon You.”, “I will walk by FAITH, not by sight” Ps. 25:4-6
c.       Is. 30:15-18-returning and REST

II. KNOWING----opposite of “knowledge puffs up”,  Knowing Him brings us to humility
a.      God is my Creator
b.      He is my Deliverer, Captain of my salvation (PS. 25:8-11)
c.       He is my Comforter
d.      He is my Helper
e.      He knows my situation and will do what is best for me!

III. YES IN HIM: Jesus Christ knows and understands everything I am about: II Cor. 1:20-22
a.      He is always my Provider
b.      He always see my needs
c.       He always knows how it will all turn out!
d.      He understands our self-centered and sinful hearts
e.      He has given us everything we need for life and godliness: II Peter 1
f.        He is my wisdom and has all the treasures of knowledge
g.      He will give me understanding and discernment!
h.      He keeps all His promises Ps. 25:14
i.        He gives me Faith- His Spirit puts more faith into my soul/heart after the first commitment, He ADDS more and more faith!
j.        He is my Righteousness!

IN QUIETNESS and in TRUST is your strength. Depend on Him, He is worthy of your attention, love, worship and trust.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

letters from my Dad to my mother, 1948

"I am such a great, cumbersome boor to be "dove-driven!" [Holy Spirit] Oh, how delicate are the tuggings of my Beloved, and how calloused my responses.  Above all else I will that He might find in me the travail of his soul and be satisfied.  But this is a hard thing when I speak to you, for somehow, the pleasing Him and the getting you are in conflict.  I don't pretend to explain it; I can only describe what I feel, and that not very adequately.

Since you left it has been as if a film has been over my soul.  My genuine fervor in prayer was gone for two days....too much rubble so that I couldn't get to the building the wall. See Neh. 4:10 for this. Notice, it was not the outward opposers that hindered the work so much as the inward clutter.  Not "destruction" from outside forced so much as "decay" within......Are we willing to build with a trowel in one hand while our other hand grasps the sword?  The building (God's work) must go on, and if there is to be battle as we build, very well, let us strengthen the "lower places" v. 13.  And I say to you the words of Nehemiah to the nobles.  "The work is great...we are separated...God shall fight for us."

But how shall I praise the Lord for removing the film this very morning?  Confession is good for the soul; it was imperative for mine this morning.  I cast it all upon him and John's truth about "cleansing from all sin" was very precious.  Oh, how He sweetly "preached peace" to one that was far off Eph. 2:13, 17.  And Heb. 10:16-22 lived afresh.  What a power is in that word!  Nearness was the theme of my song and the thots seem well expressed in 136, Little Flock [Plymouth Brethren hymnal].