Devotionals, quotes from parents or other loved writers, thoughts, experiences
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
This is an excerpt from a short article by Matt Redman about his song, "Blessed be Your Name" and it helped me. God is always Good, no matter how we feel, and He wants us to lift up our hearts and focus on Him, rather than on ourselves!
(Taken from
In his book "Magnify", Fred J. Heumann explains:
"To bless the Lord no matter what, consider these things:
Worship is about obedience in the midst of reality, not about emotional hype. Emotions can come and should be allowed to flow, but they shouldn't dictate our worship response.
If Job can say this, and face his circumstance and see God in the midst, so can we. This song speaks of the victory that can come in the midst.
The lyric to this song flies in the face of those who say we should only sing "up" songs in worship. We need songs that reflect all of life. The fact is, God is with us in our circumstances, and we can't fool Him about what's going on. We can, however, strive to be obedient and speak to ourselves as the Psalmist did-"Bless the Lord, O my soul!" and see the results that come when we praise our Lord in the midst of tough times."
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