Friday, February 3, 2012

“BE STILL and KNOW that I AM GOD.”
I. Stillnessmeans no activity, quietness, no questions, no doubts, or arguments, no “having to say” something!
a.      Saying Yes to whatever God has put in front of your mind—Psalm 26:2-3 (story of 20 min. last May)
b.      Saying to Him, “I will trust you.” I will wait upon You.”, “I will walk by FAITH, not by sight” Ps. 25:4-6
c.       Is. 30:15-18-returning and REST

II. KNOWING----opposite of “knowledge puffs up”,  Knowing Him brings us to humility
a.      God is my Creator
b.      He is my Deliverer, Captain of my salvation (PS. 25:8-11)
c.       He is my Comforter
d.      He is my Helper
e.      He knows my situation and will do what is best for me!

III. YES IN HIM: Jesus Christ knows and understands everything I am about: II Cor. 1:20-22
a.      He is always my Provider
b.      He always see my needs
c.       He always knows how it will all turn out!
d.      He understands our self-centered and sinful hearts
e.      He has given us everything we need for life and godliness: II Peter 1
f.        He is my wisdom and has all the treasures of knowledge
g.      He will give me understanding and discernment!
h.      He keeps all His promises Ps. 25:14
i.        He gives me Faith- His Spirit puts more faith into my soul/heart after the first commitment, He ADDS more and more faith!
j.        He is my Righteousness!

IN QUIETNESS and in TRUST is your strength. Depend on Him, He is worthy of your attention, love, worship and trust.

1 comment:

  1. Amen!! Thank you.....d
    "He who offers a sacrifice of thanksgiving glorifies ME." Psalm 50:23a


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