Devotionals, quotes from parents or other loved writers, thoughts, experiences
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Valerie Elliot Shepard I am a mom who is contented at home, loving the outdoors by exercising, gardening, sailing with my husband, and al...
Live Life to the Hilt
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I am going to republish my book for children, ages 5 to 11, approximately, about my jungle childhood, called PILIPINTO'S HAPPINESS. ...
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Crosses to bear
The Reading from Daily Strength for Daily Needs on Dec. 5
"The God of all grace, who hath called us unto His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you." I Peter v.10
"Take heed, and be quiet; fear not, neither be faint-hearted." - Is. 7:4
"How shalt thou bear the cross that now
So dread a weight appears:
Keep quietly to God, and think
Upon the Eternal Years."
~ F. W. Faber
"God forgive them that raise an ill report upon the sweet cross of Christ; it is but our weak and dim eyes, that look but to the black side, that makes us mistake; those that can take that crabbed tree handsomely upon their backs, and fasten it on cannily [archaic Scottish], shall find it such a burden as wings unto a bird, or sails to a ship." ~ Samuel Rutherford
"Blessed is any weight, however overwhelming, which God has been so good as to fasten with His own hand upon our shoulders." ~ F. W. Faber
"We cannot say this or that trouble shall not befall, yet we may, by help of the Spirit, say, nothing that doth befall shall make me do that which is unworthy of a Christian." ~ R. Sibbes
In this culture, where everything is "out there" in terms of sharing all our complaints, our woes, our physical ailments, may we learn to carry them to Him, who is our Confidante and our King, who loves to answer prayer. And if He does not answer in "OUR TIME," He knows when we will have the answer, and we are to walk BY FAITH, not by sight! He is infinitely wiser than we are. Praise His Holy name for that!
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Being Quiet
I read this yesterday in Daily Strength for Daily Needs, a collection by Mary W. Tileston, for every day of the year, of Scriptures and excellent quotes. This spoke to me, because I have a tendency to want to tell too many of the details of physical troubles, OR Heart troubles.
"Every day deny yourself some satisfaction; bearing all the inconveniences of life (for the love of God), cold, hunger, restless nights, ill health, unwelcome news, the faults of servants [!], contempt, ingratitude of friends, malice of enemies, calumnies, our own failings, lowness of spirits, the struggle in overcoming our corruptions;--bearing all these with patience and resignation to the will of God. Do all this as unto God, with the greatest privacy." ~Bishop Wilson
"When thou hast thanked thy God
For every blessing sent,
What time will then remain
For murmurs or lament?"
~ R. C. Trench
Conviction~~enough said!
For every blessing sent,
What time will then remain
For murmurs or lament?"
~ R. C. Trench
Conviction~~enough said!
Saturday, November 24, 2012
MY one book---- Pilipinto's Happiness--Price change!
I am going to republish my book for children, ages 5 to 11, approximately, about my jungle childhood, called
There are short chapters about my mother's and my life with the Waorani Indians
and it has lovely watercolor illustrations done by my Uncle, James N Howard.
I appreciate more people wanting them but there are not enough now to send out. Please be patient, and I do hope in this coming year 2017 and 2018 it will be available again!
Valerie Shepard
There are short chapters about my mother's and my life with the Waorani Indians
and it has lovely watercolor illustrations done by my Uncle, James N Howard.
I appreciate more people wanting them but there are not enough now to send out. Please be patient, and I do hope in this coming year 2017 and 2018 it will be available again!
Valerie Shepard
Friday, October 5, 2012
Here's what I read yesterday in Oswald Chambers' My Utmost for His Highest:
"The little 'I am' always sulks when God says DO. Let the little 'I am' be shrivelled up in God's indignation--'I AM THAT I AM HATH SENT THEE.' He must dominate. Is it not penetrating to realize that God knows where we live, and the kennels we crawl into! He will hunt us up like a lightning flash. No human being knows human beings as God does."
I know I sulk when I don't get my own way. My own self wants to do what I want to do, and not what might be necessary, or asked of me. This morning, my husband and I had to pack up the hundreds of books which had been sitting in an office that a kind man had offered him to use for free. We really have no place for them in our house, so we had to put them in boxes and just stack them up in our garage. I had some notions of "getting things done" for my business, as well as preparing for company tomorrow. But these books needed to be packed and at first I "sulked." But as we got the job done, a sweeter spirit came over me, and of course, that had to be the Lord. I'm so glad that 'God knows where we live and hunts us up like a lightning flash', just as he did with Elijah when he left after he proved the Baal prophets had "no leg to stand on." Or, with Jonah, who sat under a nice shady vine, while he watched what God would do with Nineveh, and when God made the vine shrivel (as our little 'I ams' need to!) he sulked because of the heat and discomfort. He also sulked because God was merciful to Nineveh and he wanted God to punish them even though they had repented!
Oh, may my heart be alert to my O. Chambers said for today's reading: "The disposition of sin is not immorality and wrong-doing, but the disposition of self-realization--I am my own god." May I be convicted quickly by His Spirit, when I want to be my own god, and not submit to the Great I AM!
One of my very favorite quotes comes from a woman named Janet Erskine Stuart, who wrote, "If we get our own way, we nurse a hideous idol called self, but if we give up our own way, we get God." May we all say to Him, "Here I am, send me" no matter how small the task, or how menial, or how many other things we think we must do that are "more important."
"The little 'I am' always sulks when God says DO. Let the little 'I am' be shrivelled up in God's indignation--'I AM THAT I AM HATH SENT THEE.' He must dominate. Is it not penetrating to realize that God knows where we live, and the kennels we crawl into! He will hunt us up like a lightning flash. No human being knows human beings as God does."
I know I sulk when I don't get my own way. My own self wants to do what I want to do, and not what might be necessary, or asked of me. This morning, my husband and I had to pack up the hundreds of books which had been sitting in an office that a kind man had offered him to use for free. We really have no place for them in our house, so we had to put them in boxes and just stack them up in our garage. I had some notions of "getting things done" for my business, as well as preparing for company tomorrow. But these books needed to be packed and at first I "sulked." But as we got the job done, a sweeter spirit came over me, and of course, that had to be the Lord. I'm so glad that 'God knows where we live and hunts us up like a lightning flash', just as he did with Elijah when he left after he proved the Baal prophets had "no leg to stand on." Or, with Jonah, who sat under a nice shady vine, while he watched what God would do with Nineveh, and when God made the vine shrivel (as our little 'I ams' need to!) he sulked because of the heat and discomfort. He also sulked because God was merciful to Nineveh and he wanted God to punish them even though they had repented!
Oh, may my heart be alert to my O. Chambers said for today's reading: "The disposition of sin is not immorality and wrong-doing, but the disposition of self-realization--I am my own god." May I be convicted quickly by His Spirit, when I want to be my own god, and not submit to the Great I AM!
One of my very favorite quotes comes from a woman named Janet Erskine Stuart, who wrote, "If we get our own way, we nurse a hideous idol called self, but if we give up our own way, we get God." May we all say to Him, "Here I am, send me" no matter how small the task, or how menial, or how many other things we think we must do that are "more important."
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Suffering is to Trust!
I used to read a little book to my children called A Hole is to Dig and we'd laugh over the simplicity of the truth of the illustrations and words. What fun it was to dig holes in the sand, in the dirt, in the bread dough, and even yesterday I had fun digging a hole for a new rose bush with lovely peach blooms. Today, a friend sent me this and I was blessed, as she has been through a terrible trial in her life and is still living it. She said she's analytic so she's always asking the why question. I was hoping I could encourage her to simply focus on who God is, and she asked another- why is He good in this situation? And all I could say was , "Well, He wants us to love Him because He's holy, and He's always good, and it's better to focus on that then on the past and what you think you did wrong!" I have had so little suffering compared to what she's going through, but even in my "little trials" I've asked why and struggled with how I could fix the problem, and prayed that the other person would change, and been frustrated, and then tried to give a "talk" which turned into a lecture! Oh, how I know in my intellect that He wants me to trust Him, to be quiet, and let Him work, and believe that all things work together for the good of those who are called by His name. So, suffering is for trust, and He will do what is best for us, in conforming us to the image of Christ. As I trust, He will make that habit dynamic and real in my heart so that it's practicable for life.
I used to read a little book to my children called A Hole is to Dig and we'd laugh over the simplicity of the truth of the illustrations and words. What fun it was to dig holes in the sand, in the dirt, in the bread dough, and even yesterday I had fun digging a hole for a new rose bush with lovely peach blooms. Today, a friend sent me this and I was blessed, as she has been through a terrible trial in her life and is still living it. She said she's analytic so she's always asking the why question. I was hoping I could encourage her to simply focus on who God is, and she asked another- why is He good in this situation? And all I could say was , "Well, He wants us to love Him because He's holy, and He's always good, and it's better to focus on that then on the past and what you think you did wrong!" I have had so little suffering compared to what she's going through, but even in my "little trials" I've asked why and struggled with how I could fix the problem, and prayed that the other person would change, and been frustrated, and then tried to give a "talk" which turned into a lecture! Oh, how I know in my intellect that He wants me to trust Him, to be quiet, and let Him work, and believe that all things work together for the good of those who are called by His name. So, suffering is for trust, and He will do what is best for us, in conforming us to the image of Christ. As I trust, He will make that habit dynamic and real in my heart so that it's practicable for life.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Now that my "official" mothering days are over (I'll always be a mother, but the children are now gone from my daily service), I am thankful to say that God blessed me with 8 unusual, unique, funny, challenging, and rewarding gifts. I will not feel sorry for myself, I now have others to give more time to, and I am so grateful for the 35 years of being able to be at home with my "bairns" (as my maternal grandmother called them). At least one of them, maybe 2 will be home next summer because they're in college now, but it will be a different dynamic here at 3693 Sable Palm Lane. I want to encourage younger moms to stay at home as much as possible because it's the "being there" whenever they need you that makes a huge difference to them. My uncle Tom Howard said that his mother was always "there" and that brought great comfort and security to him and his 5 siblings. I sometimes left for a few days to speak somewhere, and was kindly allowed by my husband to do that, because he was usually able to stay with the kids, as well as have the older ones helping. But when I came home, I was always aware of how much I was missed, and I felt guilty for leaving at all. The preparation and the coming home were the hardest parts of leaving to speak. While I was at the speaking engagement (sometimes a retreat, and sometimes just an evening), I knew the Lord was my helper and gave me joy in the retelling of my story, and joy in encouraging and meeting other women whose lives were so similar in needs as mine. We were mothers trying to be perfect, and God was showing us, and still does that He is the only Perfect One, and we are to rest in His righteousness, not our accomplishments.
This article is excellent (, which I found on Kirk Cameron's website, and was happy to see that he's a follower of John Piper. My mother also taught me that doing the "little things" for God without being noticed by anyone, was my life laid down for the family, as well as my life given to His will. I'm so thankful that she spoke of "faithfulness in little things" and it has been a life-long lesson for me to persevere in taking care of the little things that most people take for granted. I have a natural tendency to want to ignore the everyday maintenance of those little things, and it is only by the Holy Spirit's still small voice that I am reminded that I should not ignore those things. And, "Do the next thing" was my mother's motto also. I often hear in my mind a quiet reasoning or argument that I must go do that thing, and my natural self is giving a reason why I should do it later, and not NOW. If I don't do it then, I later realize that if I had done it when I heard the small voice, it would have been exactly the right time. I praise Him that He is in the process of conforming me to the image of Christ, and I often see how unnecessary it is for me to argue in my mind or to procrastinate, when it's in the little things that He is giving me to practice laying down my life.
Let your your mind dwell on His holiness and His sacrifice for you , and you will be helped to live sacrificially for others. Take one day at a time and let the day's trouble be SUFFICIENT for the day. Don't add on the work or the worries of tomorrow. Those are in God's hands!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
This is an excerpt from a short article by Matt Redman about his song, "Blessed be Your Name" and it helped me. God is always Good, no matter how we feel, and He wants us to lift up our hearts and focus on Him, rather than on ourselves!
(Taken from
In his book "Magnify", Fred J. Heumann explains:
"To bless the Lord no matter what, consider these things:
Worship is about obedience in the midst of reality, not about emotional hype. Emotions can come and should be allowed to flow, but they shouldn't dictate our worship response.
If Job can say this, and face his circumstance and see God in the midst, so can we. This song speaks of the victory that can come in the midst.
The lyric to this song flies in the face of those who say we should only sing "up" songs in worship. We need songs that reflect all of life. The fact is, God is with us in our circumstances, and we can't fool Him about what's going on. We can, however, strive to be obedient and speak to ourselves as the Psalmist did-"Bless the Lord, O my soul!" and see the results that come when we praise our Lord in the midst of tough times."
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Elisabeth Howard Elliot Leitch Gren
My mother is doing very well in Newton, MS at a facility called Woodland Court. My very dear friend, Maureen Sellers, keeps me posted and says she's cheerful, eating everything offered to her, sleeps well through the night, enjoys music, especially hymns sung and played at the piano, and enjoys people who come to visit her. She especially enjoys younger people because she will "talk" to them, hold their hand, and smile a lot with them. That's not to say that she won't smile at older people, because she will and responds well to most visitors, unless she's taking a nap. I'm so thankful for how the Lord provided this place where she is loved and is stimulated by those around her every day. Please continue to pray for her and for her husband Lars' healing and wisdom for their future care. I know God will direct and guide, as He did for them in June, when I had to take her to Ms. because of my upcoming trip to Newcastle, England, to see my daughter and her family after the birth of their 4th child, Jennifer Anne Martin.
Resolve to myself: start avoiding sugar more and may prevent dementia, since I am predisposed because of my mother's side of the family. Maybe this article will also convince you?
Posted on July 10, 2012 by AmenClinics
This is a “good news, bad news” story; first the bad news. Sugar is the enemy. It’s disguised in many forms, and they all are bad for your brain and health. Artificial sweeteners are also bad for your brain. So we need to avoid or eliminate all forms of sugar and the so-called “fake sugars.”
Now the good news: You can still have a sweet tooth. Get to know “stevia.” Stevia is an all-natural alternative to white sugar that’s 30 times sweeter, has zero calories, zero carbs, is zero on the glycemic index and does not raise insulin or blood sugar levels. Stevia is a naturally sweet herb native to Paraguay and has been around for centuries. It has been thoroughly tested and found to be completely non-toxic and safe. In Japan, 40% of the sweetener market is stevia based and it’s becoming more accepted worldwide.
Stevia is also a helpful aid in weight loss due to the fact that it contains no sugar and has been shown to reduce cravings for sweets and fatty foods. People have reported that consuming 10-15 drops of whole leaf stevia concentrate 20 minutes before meals diminished hunger sensations.
When you have a sweet craving, stevia is a safe and effective option to satisfy you without all of the side effects and consequences of sugar.
The Truth About Sugar
According to Dr. Amen, sugar has numerous negative aspects. It’s highly addictive, causes inflammation and increases erratic brain cell firing which means that brain cells don’t communicate well with each other. It’s been known to cause depression, headaches, fluid retention, hormonal imbalances and hypertension. There’s nothing sweet about how much sugar people are consuming every day. According to the American Heart Association, the average adult in the United States takes in about 22 teaspoons of added sugar a day, while teens pile in 34 teaspoons a day.
“In one study using mice, they gave them cocaine, which they liked. Then they gave them sugar, which they also liked. But when given a choice, they preferred sugar,” said Dr. Amen, who also advises to avoid “drinking your calories” referring to sugar-laded coffee drinks, alcoholic beverages and even fruit juices.
“The body can break down sucrose dramatically better than fructose – which is the form of sugar derived from fruit. When you unwrap fructose from its fiber source, it becomes a toxin,” said Dr. Amen. So eat the orange instead of drinking orange juice which is typically made of 6-8 oranges worth of fructose in one glass.
Artificial sweeteners were designed to be sugar substitutes as a less fattening alternative. Artificial sweeteners like Splenda, NutraSweet, and Sweet ‘N Low, found in diet sodas and yogurt, can not only cause you to gain more weight, but has also been linked to many diseases. One University of Texas study linked increased consumption of artificially-sweetened diet soda with obesity. Scientists have concluded that these so called “fake sugars” manipulate the body’s natural ability to sense how much it has eaten and therefore we overeat without realizing it.
The only potential downside about stevia is some people experience bitterness after consuming products with stevia in them. Stevioside and rebaudioside A (or Reb A) are both partially responsible for the aftertaste, however, rebaudioside contains the least and is barely detectable. Try different brands until you find the one you like.
There are several upsides to using stevia. For example, you can use it anyway you would typically use sugar; bake, cook, add it to hot and cold teas. Add it to a shakes to make it sweeter. Make lemonade using fresh squeezed lemons. Put it in yogurt. You get the idea.
Tips to Avoid Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners
Learn all the forms of sugar. And don’t eat them. See the list of sugars below.
Start checking food labels and throw out everything that has “fake sugars” such as sucralose, aspartame, saccharin.
Avoid all products that are labeled “low calorie, diet, sugar free or no sugar added.”
Drink purified water instead of diet drinks.
Use natural sweeteners like stevia or brown rice syrup.
Here’s a delicious, sweet and guilt-free summer dessert everyone can enjoy. It’s easy to make and will satisfy any sweet tooth.
Mango Sorbet
1 cup low-fat plain greek yogurt
2 cups of frozen mango chunks
Pinch of stevia
Put all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth.
* Preferred alternatives
* Agave – Derived from the blue agave cactus, agave syrup tastes similar to honey but it’s low on the glycemic index.
Barley Malt
Beet Sugar
Brown Sugar
* Brown Rice Syrup – A syrup made from sprouted brown rice.
Cane Juice crystals
Cane Sugar
Caramel Color
Confectionary Sugar
Corn Sugar
Corn Sweetener
Corn Syrup
Corn Syrup Solids
Date Sugar
Dehydrated Cane Juice
Fruit Juice Concentrate
Granulated Sugar
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Invert Sugar
Malt Syrup
Maple Sugar
Maple Syrup
Palm Sugar
Raw Sugar
Rice Syrup
* Stevia – A naturally sweet herb native to Paraguay. It is non-caloric, and has been used as a natural sweetener and flavor enhancer for centuries
Turbinado Sugar
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Best quote I've found in a long time
This was sent to me by Joni Erickson Tada, and it was exactly what I needed today!
"In the spiritual life God chooses to try our patience first of all by His slowness. He is slow: we are swift and precipitate. It is because we are but for a time, and He has been for eternity. Thus grace, for the most part, acts slowly. He works little by little. Sweetly and strongly He compasses His ends, but with a slowness which tires our faith because it is so great a mystery...There is something greatly overawing in the extreme slowness of God. Let it overshadow our souls, but let it not disquiet them. We must wait for God, long, meekly, in the wind and wet, in the thunder and lightning, in the cold and the dark. Wait, and He will come...and when he comes, go with Him, but fall a little behind; when He quickens His pace, be sure of it before you quicken yours. But when he slackens, slacken at once: and do not be slow only, but silent, very silent, for He is God."
-by Fredrick Faber in Growth in Holiness
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of lights
Our 4th grand baby was born this morning by c-section in Newcastle, England. Her name is Jennifer Anne Martin and she is 7 lbs. 6 oz. Our friend, Iris Strachan, who is a "card," is at home with the little ones (Valerie is in school till 3 PM) and she said since the Olympic torch passed the town of Newcastle, and because Jennifer kicked the hardest of all the babies, it's a sign that she will be an Olympian! Jennifer is named after Mat's Mum and we are so grateful for the goodness and kindness of God in bringing this new little life into the world. Pray for speedy healing for Elisabeth, and an easier time of feeding this little one than it was with Jimmy. He will be 2 in July. I get to fly there, Lord willing, on the 29th, arriving in the afternoon of the 30th. Can hardly wait!
Monday, June 11, 2012
A hymn from the past blesses me now.
" At even, ere the sun was set, The sick, O Lord, around Thee lay;
O, in what divers pains they met!
O, with what joy they went away!
Once more, 'tis eventide, and we Oppressed with various ills draw near:
What if Thy form we cannot see?
We know and feel that Thou art here.
O Savior Christ, our woes dispel; For some are sick, and some are sad,
And some have never loved Thee well,
And some have lost the love they had.
And some have found the world is vain, Yet from the world they break not free,
And some have friends who give them pain,
Yet have not sought a friend in Thee.
And none, O Lord, have perfect rest, For none are wholly free from sin;
And they who fain would serve Thee best
Are conscious most of wrong within.
O Savior Christ, Thou too art man; Thou has been troubled, tempted, tried;
Thy kind but searching glance can scan
The very wounds that shame would hide.
Thy touch has still its ancient pow'r; No word from Thee can fruitless fall;
Hear in this solemn evening hour,
And in thy mercy heal us all."
(by Henry Twells who lived from 1832-1900)
my mother sang this hymn to me and with me for many years as I grew up, and the tune was by Georg Joseph
O, in what divers pains they met!
O, with what joy they went away!
Once more, 'tis eventide, and we Oppressed with various ills draw near:
What if Thy form we cannot see?
We know and feel that Thou art here.
O Savior Christ, our woes dispel; For some are sick, and some are sad,
And some have never loved Thee well,
And some have lost the love they had.
And some have found the world is vain, Yet from the world they break not free,
And some have friends who give them pain,
Yet have not sought a friend in Thee.
And none, O Lord, have perfect rest, For none are wholly free from sin;
And they who fain would serve Thee best
Are conscious most of wrong within.
O Savior Christ, Thou too art man; Thou has been troubled, tempted, tried;
Thy kind but searching glance can scan
The very wounds that shame would hide.
Thy touch has still its ancient pow'r; No word from Thee can fruitless fall;
Hear in this solemn evening hour,
And in thy mercy heal us all."
(by Henry Twells who lived from 1832-1900)
my mother sang this hymn to me and with me for many years as I grew up, and the tune was by Georg Joseph
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
On May 15th about 2 hrs. from Richmond, Lars and my mother and their caregiver, Joy Burch, were driving towards Raleigh when Lars drifted off to the left on a 4 lane highway, then as Joy got his attention, he swung the wheel sharply to the right, then again to the left, spun the car around, which shot it across to the right and it tumbled down an embankment, turning over once. Miraculously, my mother and Joy had minor bruises and a scratch. Lars, however, fractured the C-2 bone in his neck and has had surgery, and now must wear a neck brace for 3 months. He is recuperating at the home of good friends of his in Black Mountain, NC. I am taking care of my mother in my home and I need a physical therapist and/or home health care to come in and show me how to get her moving. When I last visited in MA. she would walk very slowly and with help from the living room to the chair by the window, and to the bathroom, but only 2 times a day, or 3 when going to her bedroom. She now wants to stay in her wheelchair and I usually need my husband or daughter to help me move her just two steps to the bed or the chair. We would appreciate prayers for Lars and her, as we need wisdom in the decision of future long term care.
The Lord obviously had his angels in charge, and even had the I-phone Lars owns with all his contacts, protected during 2 rainstorms until it was recovered at the scene of the accident. The car was totaled and it belonged to Joy who was on her way back with them to Texas, where she lives. Lars' and her insurance covered the car. Joy is back to work at a camp with her parents. She had lived with them about 8 months. The plan for a new CNA to arrive on June 18th. We don't know when Lars will travel home yet.
The Lord obviously had his angels in charge, and even had the I-phone Lars owns with all his contacts, protected during 2 rainstorms until it was recovered at the scene of the accident. The car was totaled and it belonged to Joy who was on her way back with them to Texas, where she lives. Lars' and her insurance covered the car. Joy is back to work at a camp with her parents. She had lived with them about 8 months. The plan for a new CNA to arrive on June 18th. We don't know when Lars will travel home yet.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Elisabeth Howard Poem- on Quietness before His creation
Speak not.
I am crushed with din of words.
I am crowded with talking.
I have need of profundity.
Let me feel night-silence,
And the expression of stars.
I am crushed with din of words.
I am crowded with talking.
I have need of profundity.
Let me feel night-silence,
And the expression of stars.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
24K on Fox News
24K on Fox News
I take this product 2-3 times a week and it gives me stress relief and mental focus. It completely clears away mental fatigue. If you sign up 3 people you can receive 10% discount on the cost. If they sign up 3 people you then receive a 20% discount! Such a deal. Write to me, if you are interested!
I take this product 2-3 times a week and it gives me stress relief and mental focus. It completely clears away mental fatigue. If you sign up 3 people you can receive 10% discount on the cost. If they sign up 3 people you then receive a 20% discount! Such a deal. Write to me, if you are interested!
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Elisabeth Howard Elliot poem
Lord, let this love be pure and high,
As clean and vast as Thy great sky.
O God, engulf us in the tide
Of Love Inexorable--and hide
Us ever in Thy secret place
Where we, as one, may see Thy face.
Because He first loved us, we love--
So let us drink from Thine above,
And mirror, as we there abide,
The Love of Jesus for His Bride.
-written August 3, 1948, beginning courtship with Jim Elliot
As clean and vast as Thy great sky.
O God, engulf us in the tide
Of Love Inexorable--and hide
Us ever in Thy secret place
Where we, as one, may see Thy face.
Because He first loved us, we love--
So let us drink from Thine above,
And mirror, as we there abide,
The Love of Jesus for His Bride.
-written August 3, 1948, beginning courtship with Jim Elliot
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Poem by Elisabeth Howard, age 19
Lord of my life, I worship Thee.
In awe I stand and gaze
Upon Thy Calvary. There flows
Abysmal depth of love.
Forgive a child for foolish thought,
For folly of desire
Of useless, temporal things; my Lord,
Help my infirmity.
For Thou wast in all points tempted
And Thou dost understand.
O teach me to obey Thy voice--
I love Thee, Lord, and long
That I may be as poured-out wine,
Thy servant, Thine alone.
Lord of my life, I worship Thee.
In awe I stand and gaze
Upon Thy Calvary. There flows
Abysmal depth of love.
Forgive a child for foolish thought,
For folly of desire
Of useless, temporal things; my Lord,
Help my infirmity.
For Thou wast in all points tempted
And Thou dost understand.
O teach me to obey Thy voice--
I love Thee, Lord, and long
That I may be as poured-out wine,
Thy servant, Thine alone.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Another excerpt of a letter from Jim Elliot to Betty Howard - relationship w. his Dad
"Glad your faith gave you the freedom to write here. Sorry I didn't get a card off earlier than that Monday night note, but I plead your sympathies assailed by finals. A little bitterness rose at C.P.R. when I heard you could not be routed through the Northwest, showing me that I too had been building unfounded castles. Still hope you might come, but pray for HIS WILL, that happy determiner of His childrens' paths. Mom is eager to meet you as are the rest, save Father; he hasn't mentioned your name nor referred to the affair, though conversation has been quite open. And I know why, too. he prays over it, more than they all and has committed it all to God long ago. Betty, I blush to think of things I have said, as if I knew something of what Scripture teaches. I know nothing. My father's religion is of a sort I have seen nowhere else. His theology is wholly undeveloped, but so real and practical a thing that it shatters every "system" of doctrine I have seen. He cannot define theism, but he knows God. He is seriously considering a trip to British Guiana where some local brethren from here are establishing a lumbering business....[There is] a British missionary who needs a furlough but has no teacher to take his place. Dad may fit in, as he is both mill-right and teacher. If he goes this summer he wants me to go with him, and if God so allows it I would drop Wycliffe plans in a minute. We've had some happy times together and I cannot estimate what enrichment a few month's working with him might do for me, practically and spiritually....
..Never have seen the northern lights as you describe them. We saw a real display in northern Mich this summer, but no colors in variety. But my mountains! They are here still with snow in all the foothills. I haven't been home in the winter for 4 years and this is a real treat...I don't see how you can afford to miss it."
"Glad your faith gave you the freedom to write here. Sorry I didn't get a card off earlier than that Monday night note, but I plead your sympathies assailed by finals. A little bitterness rose at C.P.R. when I heard you could not be routed through the Northwest, showing me that I too had been building unfounded castles. Still hope you might come, but pray for HIS WILL, that happy determiner of His childrens' paths. Mom is eager to meet you as are the rest, save Father; he hasn't mentioned your name nor referred to the affair, though conversation has been quite open. And I know why, too. he prays over it, more than they all and has committed it all to God long ago. Betty, I blush to think of things I have said, as if I knew something of what Scripture teaches. I know nothing. My father's religion is of a sort I have seen nowhere else. His theology is wholly undeveloped, but so real and practical a thing that it shatters every "system" of doctrine I have seen. He cannot define theism, but he knows God. He is seriously considering a trip to British Guiana where some local brethren from here are establishing a lumbering business....[There is] a British missionary who needs a furlough but has no teacher to take his place. Dad may fit in, as he is both mill-right and teacher. If he goes this summer he wants me to go with him, and if God so allows it I would drop Wycliffe plans in a minute. We've had some happy times together and I cannot estimate what enrichment a few month's working with him might do for me, practically and spiritually....
..Never have seen the northern lights as you describe them. We saw a real display in northern Mich this summer, but no colors in variety. But my mountains! They are here still with snow in all the foothills. I haven't been home in the winter for 4 years and this is a real treat...I don't see how you can afford to miss it."
Sunday, February 12, 2012
My granddaughter's first written out story!
Sir Ben and The Chinese Dragon
Not so long ago in a castle far far away there was a kingdom. But it wasent gust a kingndom it was a city! In that city there was a town. In that town there was a lane. In that lane there was some homes and in one was a king. The king had lotes of knightes but because of all the knightes Sir Ben was one of them, Ben only liked home. One day the king had something to say to Ben. This is what he said. He said, Sir Ben there is a dragon in town and it is a chinese one and I want you to make it go away. O-o-ok wispered Sir Ben. But did you say d-d-d-d-dragon? Yes I did said the king. Ok said Sir Ben. Sir Ben trotted very very quietly into the town and herd a lowd roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Ben was scared, petrified, and terrified, because he was all on his own! I don't like that dragon wispered Ben. He's scary. Then Ben saw what he was looking for. A big long long chinese dragon was coming towards him. Aaaaah! shouted Ben. Come back! Shouted the dragon. I want to talk to you! You are going to eat me shouted Sir Ben. o, I'm not fired the dragon. All rite I'll play my guitar said Sir Ben gloomely. So as I am going to say said the dragon nowhon likes me. I am to scar for them to even see. Poor dragon said Sir Ben. I bet they don't like you. Yes they relly don't like me said the dragon. When Sir Ben got home he didnd tell the king where the dragon really was but the king gave him a medal enyway. I like my medal said Ben but I like my friend the dragon best! The end.
by Valerie Jane Martin, 6 yrs. old
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Jim Elliot letter to Elisabeth Howard, 1948
"Somehow I felt that 'Renunciation' didn't fit my case this week. Oh, I know that I am called on to hold you very loosely, but this rest of soul I've had about our relationship lately makes even the principle of renunciation a mocking. I have renounced nothing- I own all- yet possess nothing. In getting Christ God has left me strangely destitute but profoundly wealthy! Queer, isn't it? Betty, my dear sister, stop struggling and believe!
The 'confidence' of Phil.1:6 assuages all doubt for me just now - He cannot fail us. Oh, He may lead us oceans apart (and we can trust Him for that, too, can we not?) but are we so childish (I do not say child-like) as to think a God who would scheme a Jesus-plan would lead poor pilgrims into situations they could not bear? Dost thou believe that God doth answer prayer, my heart? Yea, I believe. Then will He not most assuredly answer that frequent cry of Thine- 'Lord, lead me'? I cannot explain what I feel, but I am as confident of God's leading as I am of His salvation. May He not so often have to address us in rebuke, [a Greek word] Do I hear you saying , Betty, ' "It's all right for you to speak so, but I'm a woman and not so independent as you?'"
Surely Isa. 54 is not so quickly become invalid! I pray for you that you might indeed find 'joy and peace in believing' (Rom. 15:13) So what if He does make of me my Dad's ideal? [I think his Dad wanted him to be just like Paul]. Does that make God any less precious to you or any less able to do His perfect will in your life?"
The 'confidence' of Phil.1:6 assuages all doubt for me just now - He cannot fail us. Oh, He may lead us oceans apart (and we can trust Him for that, too, can we not?) but are we so childish (I do not say child-like) as to think a God who would scheme a Jesus-plan would lead poor pilgrims into situations they could not bear? Dost thou believe that God doth answer prayer, my heart? Yea, I believe. Then will He not most assuredly answer that frequent cry of Thine- 'Lord, lead me'? I cannot explain what I feel, but I am as confident of God's leading as I am of His salvation. May He not so often have to address us in rebuke, [a Greek word] Do I hear you saying , Betty, ' "It's all right for you to speak so, but I'm a woman and not so independent as you?'"
Surely Isa. 54 is not so quickly become invalid! I pray for you that you might indeed find 'joy and peace in believing' (Rom. 15:13) So what if He does make of me my Dad's ideal? [I think his Dad wanted him to be just like Paul]. Does that make God any less precious to you or any less able to do His perfect will in your life?"
Friday, February 3, 2012
STILL and KNOW that I AM GOD.”
I. Stillness—means no
activity, quietness, no questions, no doubts, or arguments, no “having to say”
Saying Yes
to whatever God has put in front of your mind—Psalm 26:2-3 (story of 20 min. last May)
Saying to
Him, “I will trust you.” I will wait upon You.”, “I will walk by FAITH, not by
sight” Ps. 25:4-6
c. Is. 30:15-18-returning and REST
II. KNOWING----opposite of “knowledge puffs up”, Knowing Him brings us to humility
God is my
He is my
Deliverer, Captain of my salvation (PS. 25:8-11)
He is my
He is my
He knows my
situation and will do what is
best for me!
III. YES IN HIM: Jesus Christ knows and understands everything I am about: II
Cor. 1:20-22
He is
always my Provider
He always see
my needs
He always
knows how it will all turn out!
understands our self-centered and sinful hearts
He has
given us everything we need for life and godliness: II Peter 1
He is my
wisdom and has all the treasures of knowledge
He will
give me understanding and discernment!
He keeps
all His promises Ps. 25:14
He gives me
Faith- His Spirit puts more faith into my soul/heart after the first
commitment, He ADDS more and more faith!
He is my
QUIETNESS and in TRUST is your strength. Depend on Him, He is worthy of your
attention, love, worship and trust.
talk for a retreat- Feb. 3
Thursday, February 2, 2012
letters from my Dad to my mother, 1948
"I am such a great, cumbersome boor to be "dove-driven!" [Holy Spirit] Oh, how delicate are the tuggings of my Beloved, and how calloused my responses. Above all else I will that He might find in me the travail of his soul and be satisfied. But this is a hard thing when I speak to you, for somehow, the pleasing Him and the getting you are in conflict. I don't pretend to explain it; I can only describe what I feel, and that not very adequately.
Since you left it has been as if a film has been over my soul. My genuine fervor in prayer was gone for two days....too much rubble so that I couldn't get to the building the wall. See Neh. 4:10 for this. Notice, it was not the outward opposers that hindered the work so much as the inward clutter. Not "destruction" from outside forced so much as "decay" within......Are we willing to build with a trowel in one hand while our other hand grasps the sword? The building (God's work) must go on, and if there is to be battle as we build, very well, let us strengthen the "lower places" v. 13. And I say to you the words of Nehemiah to the nobles. "The work is great...we are separated...God shall fight for us."
But how shall I praise the Lord for removing the film this very morning? Confession is good for the soul; it was imperative for mine this morning. I cast it all upon him and John's truth about "cleansing from all sin" was very precious. Oh, how He sweetly "preached peace" to one that was far off Eph. 2:13, 17. And Heb. 10:16-22 lived afresh. What a power is in that word! Nearness was the theme of my song and the thots seem well expressed in 136, Little Flock [Plymouth Brethren hymnal].
Since you left it has been as if a film has been over my soul. My genuine fervor in prayer was gone for two days....too much rubble so that I couldn't get to the building the wall. See Neh. 4:10 for this. Notice, it was not the outward opposers that hindered the work so much as the inward clutter. Not "destruction" from outside forced so much as "decay" within......Are we willing to build with a trowel in one hand while our other hand grasps the sword? The building (God's work) must go on, and if there is to be battle as we build, very well, let us strengthen the "lower places" v. 13. And I say to you the words of Nehemiah to the nobles. "The work is great...we are separated...God shall fight for us."
But how shall I praise the Lord for removing the film this very morning? Confession is good for the soul; it was imperative for mine this morning. I cast it all upon him and John's truth about "cleansing from all sin" was very precious. Oh, how He sweetly "preached peace" to one that was far off Eph. 2:13, 17. And Heb. 10:16-22 lived afresh. What a power is in that word! Nearness was the theme of my song and the thots seem well expressed in 136, Little Flock [Plymouth Brethren hymnal].
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
How to Make a Good Home Office Great
very good idea/tip we probably all should do
Put your car keys beside your bed at night. > > Tell your spouse, your children, your neighbors, your parents, your Dr's office, the check-out girl at the market, everyone you run across. Put your car keys beside your bed at night. > > If you hear a noise outside your home or someone trying to get in your house, just press the panic button for your car. The alarm will be set off, and the horn will continue to sound until either you turn it off or the car battery dies. > > This tip came from a neighborhood watch coordinator. Next time you come home for the night and you start to put your keys away, think of this: It's a security alarm system that you probably already have and requires no installation. Test it. It will go off from most everywhere inside your house and will keep honking until your battery runs down or until you reset it with the button on the key fob chain. It works if you park in your driveway or garage. > > If your car alarm goes off when someone is trying to break into your house, odds are the burglar/rapist won't stick around. After a few seconds, all the neighbors will be looking out their windows to see who is out there and sure enough the criminal won't want that. And remember to carry your keys while walking to your car in a parking lot. The alarm can work the same way there. This is something that should really be shared with everyone. Maybe it could save a life or a sexual abuse crime. > > P.S. I am sending this to everyone I know because I think it is fantastic. Would also be useful for any emergency, such as a heart attack, where you can't reach a phone. My Mom has suggested to my Dad that he carry his car keys with him in case he falls outside and she doesn't hear him..... He can activate the car alarm and then she'll know there's a problem. > > Please pass this on even IF you've read it before. It's a reminder.
Ruth Myers' prayer
Ruth Myers wrote several books, and the one I was most helped by is the The 31 Days of Praise. She has gone on to be with the Lord, but I am so thankful that someone this Christmas sent this prayer in their Christmas card and I have truly been blessed by it. It covers everything, and when I don't know how to pray, this helps me to focus on the essentials. May it bless you too!
Lord, I'm YOURS. Whatever the cost may be, may Your will be done in my life. I realize I'm not here on earth to do my own thing, or to seek my own fulfillment or my own glory. I'm not here to indulge my desires, to increase my possessions, to impress people, to be popular, to prove I'm somebody important, or to promote myself. I'm not here even to be relevant or successful by human standards. I'm here to please YOU.
I offer myself to You, for You are worthy. All that I am or hope to be, I owe to You. I'm Yours by creation, and every day I receive from you life and breath and all things. And I'm Yours because You bought me, and the price you paid was the precious blood of Christ. you alone, the Triune God, are worthy to be my Lord and Master. I yield to You, my gracious and glorious heavenly Father; to the Lord Jesus who loved me and gave himself for me; to the Holy Spirit and His gracious influence and empowering.
All that I am and all that I have I give to You. I give You my rebellion in me, that resists doing Your will. I give You my pride and self-dependence, that tell me I can do Your will in my own power if I try hard enough. I give you my fears, that tell me I'll never be able to do Your will in some areas of my life. I consent to let You energize create within me, moment by moment, both the desire and the power to do You will.
I give you my body and each of its entire inner being; my mind, my emotional life, my loved marriage or my hopes for abilities and strengths and status (high or low) past, my present, and my future...when and how I'll go Home.
I'm here to love You, to obey You, to glorify You, my Beloved, may I be a joy to YOU! Amen.
Lord, I'm YOURS. Whatever the cost may be, may Your will be done in my life. I realize I'm not here on earth to do my own thing, or to seek my own fulfillment or my own glory. I'm not here to indulge my desires, to increase my possessions, to impress people, to be popular, to prove I'm somebody important, or to promote myself. I'm not here even to be relevant or successful by human standards. I'm here to please YOU.
I offer myself to You, for You are worthy. All that I am or hope to be, I owe to You. I'm Yours by creation, and every day I receive from you life and breath and all things. And I'm Yours because You bought me, and the price you paid was the precious blood of Christ. you alone, the Triune God, are worthy to be my Lord and Master. I yield to You, my gracious and glorious heavenly Father; to the Lord Jesus who loved me and gave himself for me; to the Holy Spirit and His gracious influence and empowering.
All that I am and all that I have I give to You. I give You my rebellion in me, that resists doing Your will. I give You my pride and self-dependence, that tell me I can do Your will in my own power if I try hard enough. I give you my fears, that tell me I'll never be able to do Your will in some areas of my life. I consent to let You energize create within me, moment by moment, both the desire and the power to do You will.
I give you my body and each of its entire inner being; my mind, my emotional life, my loved marriage or my hopes for abilities and strengths and status (high or low) past, my present, and my future...when and how I'll go Home.
I'm here to love You, to obey You, to glorify You, my Beloved, may I be a joy to YOU! Amen.
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